REMNANT.exe – Undertow / Lost

REMNANT.exe – Undertow / Lost

RELEASE DATE: September 29th, 2019
Dark steel towers reach up to the black sky out of the endless cityscape. Elevated roads, some in stacks of 20, weave between the buildings as thousands of vehicles zip along them towards their destinations. Non-human lifeforms have been extinct in this place for 50 years now, and humans can only survive with the help of self-contained life-support systems installed in the heart and lungs. The drone of industry and machinery is so great that normal conversation can only be had indoors. The only remnants of the past exist in a hidden temple, located deep beneath the hardened crust of this once verdant world. Within this temple grows a lush forest, bathed in warm white light. There is water here, and birdsong fills the air. Those who are lucky enough to find this place can enjoy the luxury of brief escape from their bleak existence above. I am the caretaker here. I did not build this place, but it took me in when I found it many years ago. I can only hope it does not suffer the same fate as that of the surface.


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